McAleer and Rushe Milton Keynes
McAleer and Rushe have supplied the SafeStand 1200 system for the brickwork contractors to use for constructing the internal blockwork walls on the £14,000,000, 180 bedroom Premier Inn at Avery Boulevard, in Milton Keynes.
At the invitation of site manager, Philip Gormley, SafeStand Ltd® delivered an onsite demonstration of the 1200 system used by the brickwork contractors, to the brickwork and painting apprentices from Milton Keynes College.
We covered the safe erection of the 1200 system using the advanced guardrail and various aspects of working at height to the students and their tutor, Steve Sherwood.
John O’Neill of SafeStand and Philip Gormley of McAleer and Rushe with the students and tutors from Milton Keynes College.
We will continue supplying the college with equipment and build on establishing a closer working relationship with the college tutors, which will include holding WAH awareness days at the campus.
SafeStand® News
Product Launch: SafeStand® Extension Stand
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Product Launch: SafeStand® End Staircase Gate Bracket
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Product Launch: SafeStand® Hoddi Hoist Bracket
22nd September 2023
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